Harvard | Public Value teaser
Project Overview
The public value teaser for Harvard is about making a difference. And also how difficult the process of that can be. From politics and divided communities; it's not an easy thing to do. The video is based on the book 'Creating Public Value' by Mark H. Moore.
My Contributions
This was a project that I've worked on in my time as an intern at Public Cinema. Together with lead animator 'Midhat' and medior animator 'Marije', we've tried to make a kick-ass video with new techniques. I was mainly doing the character rigging, animating some shots/assets and a few character animations.
Contributions of the team
Thijs Kasbergen | Creative Director and co-owner of Public Cinema
Contributions: Script, conceptional process, projectmanaging
Douwe van der Werf | Freelance Art Directror
Contributions: Script, conceptional proces, art direction
Marije Dudink | Medior Animator & Illustrator
Contributions: Animating a few shots and some characters
Midhat ??? | Freelance (Lead) Animator
Contributions: Animating some scenes, illustrations, storyboard