NWO | Neurolab

Project Overview
The brain is a very complex lump of meat. But we come closer and closer with understanding why we think and do certain things and how experiences in our lives has effect on us and our brains. This video is basically about that very complex but interesting topic.
My Contributions
I mainly did a few scenes of the project somewhere in the middle of the animation video. Focussing on transitions and character animations, but also trying to establish a feel of motion for the characters for the rest of the video.
Contributions of the team
Thijs Kasbergen | Creative Director and co-owner of Public Cinema
Contributions: Script, conceptional proces, projectmanaging

Kevin Verbeek | Lead Animator / Art Director

Contributions: Storyboarding, stylesheet, illustrations, animation and some assets

Marije Dudink | Medio Animator & Illustrator
Contributions: Animating a few scenes

Julia ??? | Freelance animator
Contributions: Animating a few shots

Jules Ambroisine | Freelance Sounddesigner
Contributions: Sounddesign
The Process
Anjay Korpelshoek
Junior Animator
Each teammember of the animation team at Public Cinema was part of making this video. A very time-consuming but fun project that made us realize what each of us was most good at. From illustrating and motion design to characters and transition; everyone had found their niche at that point.

It was nice to see the team at full focus on their own part; doing the tasks they are good at, instead of doing everything at once. This way we've learned a thing or two from the process and eachother as a team and individual.